Mike Gibson
2016-11-21 20:19:56 UTC
I have a dialog that creates an a2dCanvas and has an a2dStToolContr, and
the a2dStToolContr has a a2dRecursiveEditTool pushed onto it. When the
dialog is created, an a2dCircle is drawn onto the canvas.
The point of this dialog is for the user to simply edit the size and
position of that circle, and then save off the new xy position and radius.
After the circle is edited, calling m_Circle->GetRadius() is ALWAYS
returning the original radius, and not the edited radius. How do I get
the new radius?
Also, is there a way to restrict the circle so that resizing MUST be xy
synced (ie, the circle can be resized to a circle, but cannot be resized
to an ellipse. X and Y must maintain a 1:1 ratio)?
- Mike
I have a dialog that creates an a2dCanvas and has an a2dStToolContr, and
the a2dStToolContr has a a2dRecursiveEditTool pushed onto it. When the
dialog is created, an a2dCircle is drawn onto the canvas.
The point of this dialog is for the user to simply edit the size and
position of that circle, and then save off the new xy position and radius.
After the circle is edited, calling m_Circle->GetRadius() is ALWAYS
returning the original radius, and not the edited radius. How do I get
the new radius?
Also, is there a way to restrict the circle so that resizing MUST be xy
synced (ie, the circle can be resized to a circle, but cannot be resized
to an ellipse. X and Y must maintain a 1:1 ratio)?
- Mike